Tuesday, March 23, 2010


I'm Tired.

I'm tired of living in the "Land of the Offended, and the Home of the Lawsuit." as it were.

The whole world has taken on a certain meaningless to it.

Everyone knows God, and they either love Him, or hate Him.

As for lesser things, there is nothing to talk about. Not that there is nothing worth saying, there is everything to be discovered, especially about ourselves....

But no one is listening.

Those that are hearing, are either assuming your lying, looking for some ammunition to hate on the world with, or, are looking to twist your words to serve the dark purpose of harming you, or harming themselves by finding a way to have what you say become an affront of some kind.

There's nothing pure anymore, there's nothing sacred, no one really wants to express, or feel the expressions of love. Not parents to children, not husband to wife, not neighbor to neighbor.

and still we talk, "gobble gobble gobble gobble". Why?

I don't know anymore. I don't even know why I try to reach out to people anymore.

There is no point in sharing ideas, everyone's is better than yours.
There is no point in exchanging philosophy, everyone knows more than you do.
There is no point in complimenting anyone, they assume your lying.
There's no point in telling anyone you love them, they don't believe you.
There is no point in mentoring anyone, no one is listening.

There is no point in conversing with anyone, they are ignoring you, only waiting for you to pause so they can start talking.

Maybe it's the Meniere's, maybe it's the drugs, in some ways I'm glad I'm going deaf....

But I really wish I was going mute.

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